Blog|ALL|31 July 2024

The Street Child Spotlight

For many, July marks the start of a quieter month, not so for Street Child! In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), our programmes have provided critical services to thousands of children in conflict zones. Despite the rising regional tensions and the recent advances made by M23 rebels, our teams have reached over 102,000 children through education, safety initiatives, and environmental projects.

This summer, sign up for one of our exciting challenge events—whether it's cycling from London to Brighton, conquering a Tough Mudder, or trekking to Everest Base Camp—and make a real impact. Finally, stay tuned for our upcoming "Back to School" campaign launching in August. Read on for more!

Street Child's vital work in war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has endured decades of conflict, displacing millions and leaving over 24 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. In recent months, M23 rebels have intensified fighting in the east, seizing towns and escalating tensions near Goma, the capital of North Kivu. This unstable environment presents significant challenges for our teams delivering essential services to children.

In the conflict-affected regions of North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri and Mai-Ndombe, efforts focus on ensuring children's safety and access to education. Our programmes address multiple barriers, from providing school kits to 3,600 vulnerable children who cannot afford basic supplies, to establishing 10 child friendly spaces where children can receive mental health support, and empowering both families and schools to achieve financial independence through enterprise development.

Our team haven't stopped there. They have transformed over 380 schools into safe spaces where children can play and make friends, trained over 2,000 teachers, and successfully reintegrated children associated with armed groups back into their communities. They have also kickstarted a greening project, planting trees and green belts around 30 schools in order to actively engage students in environmental regeneration and create positive environments in the process. 

Since Street Child began working in DRC in 2010, initially focusing on South Kivu, we have reached over 102,000 children, over half of whom are girls. In the past two years, we expanded into North Kivu and Ituri and recently launched a new project in the West (Mai-Ndombe & Kinshasa) to support communities affected by violence. This initiative aims to reach 11,000 children, providing education as well as ensuring their safety and health.

As the above illustrates, DRC remains one of the world’s most challenging conflict zones. We’re deeply saddened to report that two Tearfund aid workers, who worked alongside Street Child, were killed in an attack on the 30th June. This is a shocking illustration of how unstable the situation in-country remains and a stark reminder of the reality in which our staff operate.

The Tearfund Congolese staff members were travelling by road in North Kivu, having just completed an end of project assessment with the Street Child team, when they were attacked by an armed group.  Although their vehicles were set on fire, twelve colleagues were able to escape to safety. Our thoughts are with them as they recover from this horrific incident. The team were part of a wider emergency response which is aimed at helping the millions of people displaced by fighting in the province.

While it’s unclear who’s responsible for the attack on Tearfund, more than 120 armed groups in the east of the country regularly attack civilians. Since the beginning of the year, more than 170 security incidents have directly targeted aid workers, causing at least four deaths and 20 injuries. More than a dozen humanitarian workers were also abducted in the first half of 2024. 

Our thoughts are with the families of those killed and the whole of Tearfund as they cope with this tragedy.

Take on a challenge with Street Child

Looking for your next big challenge this summer? Street Child offers a range of events, from the London to Brighton Bike Ride and exhilarating Tough Mudders, to trekking all the way to Everest Base Camp. Dive into one of these adventures and make a real difference in the lives of children.

If these don't take your fancy, why not host a fundraising livestream and help us complete our mission, all from the comfort of your own home? We’ve put together various resources to support you, including a charity stream checklist and visual assets like overlays and break screens. Download our streamer toolkit to get started.

Keep your eyes peeled...

School is officially out for the year, summer holidays are in full swing, and a few early bird “Back to School” deals are already hitting the shops.

September is an exciting time for millions of children around the world, and with your support Street Child has already supported over one million children to return to education. In August, we’ll be launching our new campaign to get thousands more back to school. Keep an eye out for more details on how you can get involved.