
The fall of Kabul on 15 August 2021 brought the biggest challenges Street Child has faced in our 25 years of operations in Afghanistan. Over the last year, there has been dramatic economic suffering and we've witnessed the significant narrowing of space for women in society.  

In spite of these challenges, we have sustained, and expanded, our reach by keeping over 100,000 girls and boys safe, in school, and learning. We have increased our geographic footprint from five to 15 provinces – going where others won’t – to provide humanitarian relief and response, where and when needed. Our 1,800-strong team is now working on 11 active projects alongside our 6 local partner organisations.  

We can and will do more—but we need your help. 



People are in need of humanitarian assistance.


Children are out of school. 60% of them are girls.


People are facing food insecurity.

what we are doing

Where we work

Street Child is now working in 15 different provinces across Afghanistan. We are going where others won’t to provide humanitarian relief and response, where and when needed.

Street Child now makes up 13% of all community-based education centres across the country.

Food Security

Street Child is focusing on food distribution so that vulnerable families can meet their basic needs. Through an Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (UN) project, we support 2,373 families (or 14,268 individuals) in Zabul with cash for food packages that feed their families for 6 months.  

In Kabul, we provide hygiene, food, and protection services to 4,660 children and caregivers through a 6-month UNICEF project. In Wardak province, we are also actively improving household food security and increasing resilience to upcoming and unexpected shocks by covering 75% of the cost of food needed for an average seven-person family across 1,560 households. This supports more than 10,000 people. This cash for food support will cover six-months of rations and will allow them to survive the harsh winter in the central highlands.

Community Based Education Centres

Our community-based education centres are run in spaces within the communities themselves, so children do not have to walk through a conflict zone to reach the nearest school. Street Child offers an accelerated learning programme for over-age children, allowing them to catch up by covering and completing two years of curricular content in one year.  

Community-based learning centres provide additional support too: aides for children with disabilities, dignity kits for girls (including menstrual hygiene management), drinking water and handwashing facilities. They are outfitted with resources like warm clothes, blankets, and firewood during the colder winter months. In 2022-23, more than 10% of learners in community-based classes in Afghanistan were attending Street Child run classes.

Technology and Innovation

Street Child is the only organization using tablets as a tool to support our teachers’ progress and improve their teaching approach. They are being used in teacher training sessions to address gaps or areas of improvement.  

This approach has proven effective for teacher training, and subsequently, students learning. Although 75% of our teachers have less that 1 year of teaching experience, after Street Child’s training they have been able to produce brilliant results as the literacy levels of their classes have visibly improved. Before Street Child began working in Zabul and Uruzgan, it was estimated that average fluency rates were between weak or average, but recently, a 3rd party EGRA assessment showed that 60-75% of learners in Street Child’s classes demonstrate acceptable or desirable fluency rates.

Education for Girls

Afghanistan is the only country in the world denying education on the basis of gender.  

We’re proud to report that 49% of children in Street Child community-based learning centres are girls. To make this possible, our local teams work closely with community leaders, and caregivers to build trust, buy-in, and support for primary education for all children.

Street Child has also been focusing on training female teachers where possible. In some areas such as Baghlan and Bamyan, despite the restrictions on female employment, our percentage of female teachers is as high as 60%. 

Mental health support

Street Child runs three Protection and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) programmes, supporting more than 64,000+ direct and indirect project participants across 10 provinces. 

Keeping children safe is central to everything we do; mental health is as important as physical health, and in a context like Afghanistan, it is lifesaving and life-sustaining. Our programmes work to alleviate trauma, provide coping strategies, and promote resilience through collaborative community initiatives to improve well-being, social cohesion, and encourage healing within the community.  



Children reached, of which at least 54,504 were girls.


Individuals reached with mental health or psychosocial support services


Adults reached through our programmes such as teacher training or mental health support.


choose an amount to donate to Afghanistan


could provide one emergency shelter.


could provide one household with an emergency response pack which includes blankets, clothing and toys.


could enable a cash transfer to an Afghan family to allow them to start re-building their life.


Or enter your own amount. Please give generously!

Are you are a UK taxpayer? Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.

*I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.


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